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Re: Getting Kaji support in Debian and Netscape - please help

hanasaki <hanasaki@hanaden.com> writes:

> I have Potato and have installed the following packages:
>    o kinput2-wnn - An input server for X11 applications that want Japanese text input
>    o kterm - Multi-lingual terminal emulator for X.
>    o netscape-ja-resource-477 - Netscape 4.77 Japanese resources.
>    o netscape-base-477 - 4.77 base support for netscape
> but am unable to get:
>    o netscape to display kaji / hiragana / katakana from email that was sent to me or from japanese web pages - I am using
>      exim as my mta

Have you set the language settings for netscape?  Perhaps you need
Japanese fonts for X installed?  I'm can't really help you, as I use
mozilla, and it works fine.  I also use emacs for reading and writing
mail, which has it's own support for Japanese input.

Good luck.


>    o kterm to accept japanese input - the man page says to use esc/B but this does not work.
> Thank you.

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