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Re: Mounting vfat filesystem via NFS

On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 05:10:11PM +0100, Sven Garbade wrote:
| Hi all,
| maybe this is not Debian specific and so OT. I want to mount read/write
| (on my Debian Potato box) a vfat-Filesystem via NFS from a SUSE-Linux
| Box. Mounting is ok (via mount ~/labor), but the owner and group of the
| mounted directories and files is root.root, so I haven't any write
| permissions. The vfat filesystem on the suse box is mounted at boot
| time, I think that might be the problem. 

It is only part of the problem.  The way NFS works is it sends the UID
of the files/directories back and forth.  For this reason you want to
ensure that the users on both systems have the same UIDs and that no
one can tamper with it (else they can access another's files).  The
problem with vfat is no IDs are stored on-disk, so as a result you
pick a user and group (at mount time) to make all files owned by.  If
that user/group is root.root, then the fs is only accessible by
root.root (unless you set perms to 777).

| But if this is the point, how can I export a filesystem that isn't
| already mounted? 

You don't really export filesystems, but rather directories.  That is,
the NFS server software doesn't know and doesn't care what filesystems
you have (on disk or in memory or whatever) but only the path in the
directory tree.  Thus the fs must be mounted, however see above for
the vfat issue.



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