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Re: Debian's Package Management vs Ximian's Red Carpet

%% Daniel Hartman <hartmada@netscape.net> writes:

  dh> I'm a die-hard Debian user simply because of the package
  dh> management system -- I'll never use another distro.  However, I
  dh> prefer Ximian's packaged version of GNOME over Debian's (I hope I
  dh> don't get flamed over this statement), and I was wondering how
  dh> long Ximian would continue supporting their apt sources over
  dh> migrating completely to Red Carpet.

If Ximian wants to continue to support Debian, they'll have to figure
this out: Red Carpet will have to play with the Debian package manager
so that both tools are happy.

I think it already does this, by using DPKG in the backend--they support
Debian 2.2 already.

However, Ximian has said here before (IIRC) that they'll only support
official releases.  So, until Woody is actually released you shouldn't
expect to see any Ximian Red Carpet support.

Basically, your choices appear to be (a) stick with only official Debian
releases (no testing or sid) and then you can use Ximian, or (b) use
Debian's Gnome packages and use whatever Debian you like.

My $0.02.

 Paul D. Smith <pausmith@nortelnetworks.com> HASMAT--HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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