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Re: Debian's Package Management vs Ximian's Red Carpet

Daniel Hartman wrote:

> Before I get into hot water, I was wondering what the pros and cons are 
> to using Ximian's Red Carpet over Debian's package management system 
> for maintaining my version of GNOME and Evolution on potato.  Are there 
> potential pitfalls?

Well, unless Red Carpet and dpkg know about each other, I would guess
that some of your library dependencies could become badly confused.
E.g., Red Carpet installs some Gnome library, but dpkg doesn't know it's
there, so next time you tell dpkg to install some program that requires
that library, dpkg wants to install a different version of it...

Why do you want to do this? Is it just a matter of getting faster access
to the latest Ximian stuff, without waiting for it to get packaged for


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