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Re: ISDN Dial In

> > > ok, i enabled debugging.
> > > in /var/log/messages i have the following entry when i start isdnutils:
> > >
> > > Nov  3 15:14:33 ranger ipppd: info: no PAP secret entry for this user!
> >
> > I am nut sure it is important, but might be wrong. I have:
> >
> > [19:56:11 /tmp]$ grep CHAP /var/log/syslog
> > Nov  3 19:01:31 rakefet ipppd: info: no CHAP secret entry for this user!
> > [19:56:17 /tmp]$
> >
> > Are you sure your ISP uses these auth methods? Perhaps it is using CHAP?
> > What are the messages after this one?
> no i'm sure it's pap cause i got it allready working using linux mandrake.
> but the isdn configuration in debian is completely different so i have to 
> learn it from scratch :(
> the documentation i found is not very usefull and that's a pitty cause i 
> think the internet connection is the most important task when learning a new 
> system.. 
> btw, the next line after "no PAP secret entry" is indeed "no CHAP secret 
> entry".
> i could avoid the PAP secret warning with chaning the pap-secrets file to
> * * password
> but i still get disconnected immiadtly after logon :(

1) Are you root? Trying out as user root will eliminate any permissions 
problem and thus help isolating the problem.
2) As for being disconnected immiadtly after logon, once again aren't the log 
files have hints?
3) What is the problem with avoiding the PAP secret warning with chaning the 
pap-secrets file to PAP secret warning with chaning the pap-secrets file to * 
* password ? Perhaps there need to be 2 lines in the pap-secret file:

bash-2.04# grep -A10 OUTBOUND /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
# OUTBOUND connections

# Here you should add your userid password to connect to your providers via
# PAP. The * means that the password is to be used for ANY host you connect
# to. Thus you do not have to worry about the foreign machine name. Just
# replace password with your password.
# If you have different providers with different passwords then you better
# remove the following line.

this_machine_name *       password
user_name_at_ISP *       password_at_ISP

	Shaul Karl <shaulka@bezeqint.net>

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