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Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

Peter Palfrader wrote:
> Fetchmail fetches the mails from the imap|pop3 server and hands it on
> to your MTA (exim or sendmail or such).
> Your MTA will put the mail into your mailbox or, if configured right
> hand each mail over to procmail which will sort the mails into one or
> more folders (or do other interesting stuff with them).
> Your MUA will just read the mails (and then move them around again if
> you want :)

This explanation puts a lot of emphasis on what I've just said: I got a
lot of reading to do.  :)

Anyway, thanks for the clarification.

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail:		mailto:rosenfel@informatik.hu-berlin.de
HertzSCHLAG:	http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/hs/

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