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Re: clone a debian installation

I have done this many times, the route I take is:

"dpkg --get-selections > packages.dpkg" on master machine
"dpkg --set-selections < packages.dpkg" on new machine

remember to move the packages file to the new machine.


----- Original Message -----
From: <markus@infolytics.com>
To: <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 13:30
Subject: clone a debian installation

Dear list,

at our Company we've set up a debian box (slink) to provide several
services to the LAN. During a period of trial and error we ran dselect
a couple of times installing and purging packages from the stable
Debian archive.Now we plan to keep another machine with the
same installations in the back in case of hardware failure.

For some reasons we declined copying directory trees or ,even
more low-level, partition images.
We'd like to provide the Debian install media (NFS, ftp, cdrom)
somewhere and use dpkg or dselect to create an installation
with the same packages as on the orig machine.
(So that ,say, "dpkg --list" would produce the same output on the
Is there a way to do this in an _automated_ (prefereably
unattended) way ?

Greetings, Markus

Markus Stausberg
InfoLytics AG
Marktstrasse 8
50968 Koeln

Tel.:(+49) (0)221 3405846

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