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kernel source?


Forive me if this a newbie question, but I can't seem to find my question
documented anywhere. I'm a long-time slackware user, and compile a new
kernel with my eyes closed. I've decided to give Debian a try, and
everything's been going well. Here's my one problem. I selected to install
the kernel-source for 2.0.29 and 2.0.30 from my new 1.3.1 cd using dselect.
Afterwards, it shows that it was installed, but my /usr/src directory is
still empty.

#1 Where is this source?

#2 Do I still compile using the make config like before?

#3 If I just pull the kernel source via ftp, can I compile like before
(slackware) or do I risk damaging any of Debian's package management features?

Thank for any help!


Mark A. Bialik                                          (414) 290-6700
Systems/Security Administrator                   www.pmihwy.com/~markb
Preferred Medical Informatics                         markb@pmihwy.com
Infinity HealthCare, Inc.               mbialik@infinityhealthcare.com
Mequon, WI USA                                           www.linux.org

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