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Re: Private XF-Mail package available

I thought rc5 was responsible for this, but I guess I had just never
looked very closely before.  With nothing running but the ordinary Debian
stuff (I don't have any deamons running other than the base ones) syslogd
uses as much processor time as it can get (60% with rc5 running for
example, ~98% otherwise) filling up /var/log/messages with:

Aug 31 17:15:04 Beleriand syslogd 1.3-0#11: restart.
Aug 31 17:15:04 Beleriand kernel: klogd 1.3-0, log source = /proc/kmsg
Aug 31 17:15:04 Beleriand syslogd 1.3-0#11: restart.
Aug 31 17:15:04 Beleriand syslogd: select: Bad file number
Aug 31 17:15:34 Beleriand last message repeated 218053 times
Aug 31 17:16:34 Beleriand last message repeated 472675 times
Aug 31 17:17:34 Beleriand last message repeated 472623 times
etc. ad infinitum

Note that this log was checked immediately after a reboot.

I believe this is affecting performance, since rc5v2 does not run nearly
as fast as advertised on a Pentium-133 (this is what started me looking at
this stuff, and since I read that syslogd is a tcp/ip related daemon I
blindly suspected rc5). If anyone knows what is going on here I would be
very interested.  select is in man(2) but it didn't look like it should be
a userland concern, and It didn't make a lot of sense to me. 

While on the subject of odd things that I don't begin to understand: since
I fixed my chatscript so my modem hung up when DTR went low (by
initializing the modem with ATZ and AT&D2), my computer occasionally
decides to connect itself to the internet without my doing anything at
all.  I run pon, later run poff, and a few minutes or hours later I hear
my computer dialing.  It has done this twice now. I have looked for
residual ppp or chat processes with ps -ax but I don't see any.  On both
occasions rc5v2 was running, set to communicate freely on all ports.  I
don't have diald installed.

Last question: when I ftp from home to sunsite.unc.edu, the ftp process
freezes after the first line from sunsite, like this:

$ ftp sunsite.unc.edu
Connected to sunsite.unc.edu.
220-                Welcome to the SunSITE USA ftp archives!
Quit (core dumped)

I have to use ^\ to kill it.  It works fine when I telnet to my university
and the ftp from there.  I have tried ftp -p, but the results are the
same.  Sorry to ask so many questions on this group lately, thanks
everyone for patience and help. 

I like six eggs when starting on a journey.  Fried - not poached.  And
mind you don't break 'em.  I won't eat a broken egg.  
                                              -- Thorin Oakenshield 

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