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Linux for sale

stick@richnet.net writes:
> Absolutely.  Linux also needs marketing, marketing, and more marketing.
> I can only think of one business need that Linux based systems don't
> support - OCR.  Everything else is available.

In terms of marketing, I went into two computer "superstores" the other day.
Lo and behold, I found LINUX for sale in both chains. In a MS dominated sales
enviroment, I thought I'd never see Linux available. Anyhow, one chain offered
Red Hat Linux; the other offered "Professional Linux". The Professional
package (Walnut Creek) included Debian, Red Hat, and Slackware distributions.

-= Sent by Debian 1.2 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK - member of ARRL
@_@tko@westgac3.dragon.com Remove @_@ for correct Email address
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