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Private XF-Mail package available


Ok, folks, I have taken a stab at making a debian package and I will admit that
I cheated a bit :)

I have been using the XF-Mail GUI email package and really like it.  I like it
so much that I wanted to share it so I grabbed the .rpm and built a .deb from
it.  You are actually going to need to packages and I have placed them both on
an FTP site for you to grab.  Here are the instructions:


and grab the xforms_0.86-2_i386.deb and xfmail_1.1-6_i386.deb packages.

Install the xforms package first then then xfmail package.

I have the Debian xforms0 package installed and the installation of the new
pages along side of it has not seemed to break anything on MY system but if it
breaks something on your system you should be able to back everything out using
this procedure:

dpkg --purge xforms
dpkg --purge xfmail
dpkg --purge xforms0

Then reinstall the old xforms0 using dselect or manually.

It looks like the new package overwrites parts of the old xforms0 package and
points the symlink to the newer libforms.so.0.86. 

As I said, so far, this has not broken anything on my system and I have a great
new email program (supports POP3, IMAP, SMTP, POP3 mail transmitting, sorting
of incoming mail, PGP, etc).

I created the packages by doing an alien -g package name then a debian/rules on
each package and finally a dpkg-buildpackage on each one.  Seemed to work ok.
 email package and really like it.  I like it
so much that I wanted to share it so I grabbed the .rpm and built a .deb from
it.  You are actually going to need to packages and I have placed them both on 
Version: 2.6.3
Charset: noconv


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