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Re: confusion over tcl/tk packages

On Sat, 30 Aug 1997 shawn.fumo@the-spa.com wrote:

> Michael,
> > I give up. What's the difference between
> > 
> > tk4.2_4.2p2-6.deb and tk42_4.2p2-6.deb
> Well the package names usually go by:
> Name_Version-DebianPackageVersion
> So they are _probably_ the same thing. It is just that they included 
> the version in package name, and listed it two different ways. On my 
> 1.3.1 CD, all the tcl and tk stuff is listed the second way, so it 
> might be a mistake on the ftp site.

The tk42 package is linked against libc5, the tk4.2 package is linked
against libc6. That's the difference.

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