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Re: Starting out...

On Fri, 19 Sep 1997, Ms. Geek wrote:

> Are there still any pitfalls to using Debian Linux with the K5 chip or any
> of the other hardware I mentioned above? Eventually I plan on upgrading to

I dont know about any other hardware, but I am running Debian on my AMD
586/133mhz motherboard and it works fine.  The K5 and K6 chips are
designed more for data processing and file movement..  Linux will in most
cases run faster on these motherboards then it would on a Pentium
motherboard.  This is what I have been told and also seen..  

> the K6 chip...I've heard some Linux horror stories about the K6 not
> working. Anyone on this list use PowerBoot to dual boot? I'm gonna need a

I was quoteing prices for a fast machine to run a server off for a large
company, and each time I asked about a Pentium 200 or such motherboard the
dealers kept telling me to go for the K6 range of motherboards, so what u
are doing shouldnt be too much of a hassle...  I started out with a little
486dx33, and when I got the new K5 motherboard I just plugged the hard
drive in and away it went...  Debian Linux had no complaints about the
change in motherboards, all it did was speed up.

> *lotta support* from you folks, and I promise when I become a Linux guru I
> will help the newbies on this list.

if u wanna become a Linux guru, then unless u have specific reasons for
needing windows on ur machine I would strongly recommend going fully for
Linux, this is what I did, and I only had an inkling of how any unix
variant worked.  I had a friend install it for me, and then was left in
the deep end.  By having only linux I was left with no other alternative
then to fix my problems, which has worked for me.  I have been using
linux for about 8mths now and already have a full house network going
which is permenantly connected to the net, and am on odd occasions found
helping my ISP out when they got problems.

> For an account of my ongoing experiences building my computer, check out my
> website:
> http://www.amazoncity.com/~msgeek/clones/

I shall do just that :)  I hope all goes well.

                           Living is just a state of mind...
Everything is changing,
		       yet, we have nothing to lose...

	The Lord Bhaal...

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