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still unhosing my compiler

So my compiler is still hosed.  I've written pretty detailed info to
this list already about it, and got some helpful suggestions

However, my compiler is still hosed.  I can't link even the most
trivial program--I get this sort of smack:
	/tmp/cca278371.o: In function `main':
	/tmp/cca278371.o(.text+0xe): undefined reference to `_stdprintf'

This is *not* an error related to this program (or makefile, command
line for gcc, etc).  This is a hosed compiler and/or linker problem.

Reinstalling binutils, gcc, libc, libc-dev, libbfd, and just about
everything else under the sun does not seem to fix the problem.  

However, I would like much to get my compiler back on-line.  If I
don't get any other suggestions, I guess I'll have to reinstall from

But there has to be a better way, right?  Is there a way for me to
force dpkg into reinstalling _everything_?

Debian GNU/Linux 1.3
Linux XXXX 2.0.27 #1 Thu May 22 00:05:30 CDT 1997 i686 unknown



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