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Rogers Cable Access..a follow-up

Hi Listers, 
As the proud new "user" of a cable modem from Rogers cable here in
Canada and I can say that the configuration was very easy.  No need for
dhcpd(sp?) clients at all.

1. The ethernet device is a SMC Etherez 8416, which was supported by
SMC-Ultra in the kernel. (I think other users may get a 3com...so either
way the kernel supports them.)

2. I was assigned a static IP address, told the netmask, and gateway

I set up the ethernet device, set up the routes, then changed my current
configs to point at the new name servers, ect.....bingo.  It is very fast,
but there aren't many people on it yet, remember this is just a test.  I
grabbed a new kernel from sunsite with netscape in windows, and watched as
it climbed to 34k/s.  I know it isn't scientific by any means, but that is
10X faster than anything I've achieved with my 28.8 modem.   

Surfing the net is actually fun again....quake is really nice too.

Price, when it rolls out is in the $50-60/month range, I knew you'd be
curious.....no, I don't work for them..

Rich Morin

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