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Re: [English Message][OT] how to type the ligature and learn the french keyboard

Le 06/06/04 à 11:31, Aryan Ameri écrivait:

> I was contempt on not participating in this tread anymore, but after 
> bubble fishing Encore's message, I couldn't let this one go.
> Aryan; guys, as you certainly know, was the name of a tribe that used to 
> live (perhaps) in northern Russia. For whatever the reason, they 
> migrated to south and settled in Iran and northern India. It is 
> debatable wether some European races are also Aryan or not, many 
> including me think they are not.
> Iran, means "the land of Aryans", we inhabitants of this country have 
> always called ourselves Aryans, and our former name (in old Persian) 
> was Aryan-avayaga which again means the land of Aryans. There is a 
> great article on the meaning of the word Aryan on wikipedia, please go 
> and read it.
> Why am I writing all of this? because I am sick that everytime I talk to 
> a european, they automatically associate me with Hitler and Nazi!! This 
> is sick, and it is disgusting for me. Aryan is a very common name in 
> Iran, both as a first name and as a family name. It is probably as 
> common as names such as Michel or Jean are in French. And I as an 
> Iranian, am proud of my name, cause it is an Iranian name.
> I don't know who gave that retard the idea to use such a persian name, 
> as the name of his chosen race. But he was wrong and his use of this 
> word was wrong. Get over it, Aryan has nothing to do with Nazism or 
> Hitler or any of that stuff. It is a truly Persian name. 
> I can of course try to understand you, my name, my signature, posting on 
> D-Day, all combined together, was enough to convince you that i am a 
> troll. Well, they say don't judge a book by its cover. They are right 
> in saying that.
> Thanks, and sorry for all these off topic posts, but couldn't resist the 
> temptation to defend my self and my name.

La référence à un homme politique n'a rien à faire dans une liste de discussion sur
l'informatique mais je comprends bien ton écoeurement Aryan et gageons
qu'aujourd'hui plus de gens respecteront ton nom.

Mais nous devons être vigilants:
Aujourd'hui encore en Europe, en France, en Allemagne, en Autriche, en
Italie, il y a encore des gens qui souhaitent continuer la sinistre
politique d'Hitler. Pas seulement des vieux militaires qui ont soif de
revanche. Mais aussi des jeunes de ton âge malheureusement.

Pour limiter tout débordement, évitons de citer des gens qui n'ont rien
à voir avec l'informatique.

Bonne route au LUG d'Iran (LUG stands for Linux User Group)

Jean-Pierre Pourrez

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