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Re: Shutdown and reboot doesn't unmount partitions

On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 10:43:25PM +0530, Deboo wrote:
> ...most of the time after running fsck, I am
> brought to a single user prompt and get some inconsistency error and it
> says that I should manually run fsck. Now if there were such errors, then
> why does it waste time running fsck automatically and wasting my time? Why
> does this happen is beyond my reach.

If the filesystem isn't too badly screwed, fsck can repair it
automatically. If the damage is too great, fsck will realise that
trying to fix it automatically carries too great a risk of trashing it
beyond all hope of recovery, so it gives up and asks you to hold its
hand. To do this successfully, you often need to be a filesystem guru.

> Can someone explain what to do?

What you've gotta ask yourself is... Do you feel lucky?

If you do, run "fsck -y"...

If you don't, read and thoroughly grok everything you can find about
the internal workings of your filesystem, then run fsck manually and
spend a boring and stressful period trying to give correct answers to
its prompts while hoping you're not trashing your data. Before doing
this, dd the whole thing onto a spare partition so you have some
fallback position in case you get it wrong.


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