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Re: again X11 font location changes of .scale file


Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

> Wouldn't it been better (man english is horribe compared to italian) to
> just remove the X11R7 config file?

There are arguments for both courses of action.

> Because with the current mode of someone changed something in the
> old=verynew .scale file, it was still present. If he didn't carry over
> the changed to the intermediate-new .scale file then now the changes are
> gone because the config_move overwrites the old config file.

I see your reasoning. I was a bit too enthousiastic when I saw the
almost-ready-to-use config_move() function and forgot that the
transition from /etc/X11/fonts/Type1/lmodern.scale to
/etc/X11/fonts/X11R7/Type1/lmodern.scale did *not* preserve user

As it seems, there are (well, were) two possibilities:
  - simply remove /etc/X11/fonts/X11R7/Type1/lmodern.scale
      -> problem if it was customized by the user (which, I admit, is
         rather unlikely)
  - config_move() it to /etc/X11/fonts/Type1/
      -> problem if /etc/X11/fonts/Type1/lmodern.scale was customized
         (unlikely, but probably not as much as for
         /etc/X11/fonts/X11R7/Type1/lmodern.scale) and the changes
         weren't manually propagated (by the user) to

So, for cm-super, if the situation is similar, probably the best thing
to do is to remove the file from /etc/X11/fonts/X11R7/Type1/, as you

For lmodern, do you think I should do another upload?


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