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Re: horizontal lines flicker when I start X Dell Insprion 1100

Whoops---sorry about that...I thought this was to debian-laptops...please ignore my post or email me privately :)

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 10:28:45AM +0000, Christopher David Desjardins wrote:

Hi, I am running Debian Sarge 3.1 on a Dell Inspiron 1100. About 1 out of every 10 or so times I boot into X my computer crashes and horizontal lines flicker off and on on my computer screen. Does anyone know why this would occur? Have I not configured out correctly? Anyone with a Dell Inspiron 1100 having a similiar problem and could you send me the info. you used to configure X?
Sarge isn't testing anymore, so this is the wrong list.

But, you might try XFree86 -configure to get the configuration.  After
doing that, I usually have to fiddle with the mouse device parameter
in the new file, and the resolution settings also.


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