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Re: adding new Hard Disk to sarge

On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 01:08:00PM -0600, Mr Mike wrote:

> Problem:
> A couple of days ago I added an old spare 2gb ide hard disk to this box.   So 
> far I've been unable to get sarge to mount it either on boot OR manually.  I 
> can 'fdisk' the device and qtparted also recognizes it.  The problem seems to 
> be in the fstab entry which looks like:
>       /dev/hdc1  /newide ext3 defaults 0 0
> Mount command generates a message that hdc whatever isn't found in fstab or 
> mtab which of course isn't true. (except for mtab because mtab to my 
> knowledge only shows your 'mounted' devices and the drive is in fact NOT 
> mounted)
> Someone on freenode #debian tried to tell me I need an empty directory to 
> mount the drive to just like a removable media (/media/floppy /media/cdrom 
> etc..) but I know that isn't right.
I think it is right; (but the directory doesn't have to be empty; you
can mount something anywhere you like).

> However, being a little desperate I tried 
> it out but that failed too..
What was the message?

> Soooo...  anyone have suggestion, solution, ideas...
What is the partition type?  Run file -s /dev/hdc1.
What mount command are you using?

Try something like mount /dev/hdc1 /mnt.

> btw, is there any way to get sarge to recognize new hardware on bootup.
That's mostly up to the kernel, even if there's software like discover
that pretends to find new hardware:)

What hardware doesn't work?

Justin Pryzby
whois jgalt

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