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adding new Hard Disk to sarge

So you'll know where I'm coming from, I'm not a total newbie to linux but this 
is my first debian experience (other than one of the many debian based 'live 
cd' things like knoppix)

General Background:
I have a test box that I use to look at different os's, linux distro's, 
hardware etc.. I installed sarge on it the other day for evaluation before 
actually replacing my mandrake system that I use everyday.  This box is a 
scsi based system with an adaptec 2940UW controller  a 18GB hard drive and 
ancient scsi CD-RW (which btw just died in the last day or two).

A couple of days ago I added an old spare 2gb ide hard disk to this box.   So 
far I've been unable to get sarge to mount it either on boot OR manually.  I 
can 'fdisk' the device and qtparted also recognizes it.  The problem seems to 
be in the fstab entry which looks like:
      /dev/hdc1  /newide ext3 defaults 0 0
Mount command generates a message that hdc whatever isn't found in fstab or 
mtab which of course isn't true. (except for mtab because mtab to my 
knowledge only shows your 'mounted' devices and the drive is in fact NOT 

Someone on freenode #debian tried to tell me I need an empty directory to 
mount the drive to just like a removable media (/media/floppy /media/cdrom 
etc..) but I know that isn't right.  However, being a little desperate I tried 
it out but that failed too..

Soooo...  anyone have suggestion, solution, ideas...

btw, is there any way to get sarge to recognize new hardware on bootup.

Cheers: Mike

.. Now, a little humor compliments of Linux Fortune...

New York now leads the world's great cities in the number of people around
whom you shouldn't make a sudden move.
  -- David Letterman

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