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Re: no inittab file after debian sarge net-inst

On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 16:03 -0500, Hendrik Boom wrote:

> > Right, inittab exists, and looks very sane. I might have made a little 
> > mistake and put etc on a separate partition. I take it that it is not a 
> > good idea. My current theory is to copy it all into the root dir and try 
> > again!
> > 
> > If this is correct, and anyone wants to tell me how silly I have been, 
> > please, feel free :))

Yup. /etc's gotta be there, you silly, silly person :-)

> I've always wondered which top-level directories *have* to be in the root partition.

/etc (to know which partitions to put where and how to set up the
network, etc.)
/bin and /sbin (for some programs like init and sh and mount and netstat
and ifconfig and daemons, etc.)
/root (I'm not sure why)
and /lib (for kernel modules and dynamic linking)

That list may be longer than necessary. I know because my system boots
that /usr, /var, /home, and /tmp can be in other partitions. /boot can
too, but I think it needs to be #1 (or 2 or 3).

> I put /home elsewhere, usually.  Actually, I put sopecific /home/hendrik, 
> /home/friend, and so forth elsewhere, using symbolic inks.  I'd really like 
> it is I could put /var, /home, /tmp  -- in other words, the changables -- all 
> in another partition. via symbolic links -- but hte installer doesn't give 
> me that option.

Yes it does, but it's done with fstab, not with symlinks. 

When the installer's partitioning disks tell it to mount the different
partitions on different directories. (The directories do have to be in
the root partition, but they can (should) be empty.)

Glenn English

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