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ampd vanished


Last week after i made apt-get update and
update all packages in my Debian Sarge powered laptop
amp vanished from my kernel 2.6.10 (compiled by myself).

Now, everytime I reboot apmd does not start and
when I try to run ampd by hand I get a message that apm is not available:

"No APM support in kernel"

During that update of my system I also installed
gphoto, HAL Device Manager and gnome-volume-manager (with dependencies).
May they be causing problems?

That's a very strange thing for me.
What should I check?
May hotlug subsystem (its blacklist), sound system or something other be problematic?


Mateusz Łoskot, mateusz (at) loskot (dot) net
Registered Linux User #220771, Debian (Sarge)

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