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secure login problems


since a few weeks i have problems with ssh and webmin logins. in reglular interval of 5 to 7 days i can not log in via ssh or connect via webmin to my root server. when logging in with ssh -l root <server> -v the root server establishes the connection and then closes the connection instantly. when trying webmin my browser tells me that the connection can not be established but some data may have been transfered. the only way to log in is via telnet and try to restart the sshd. but when doing so sshd says "Segmetation fault" and the only way to have ssh again is to reboot the server.

does anyone have an idea what the error could be?



debian sarge
kernel 2.4.18-bf2.4
iptables v1.2.11
OpenSSH_3.8.1p1 Debian-8.sarge.4

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