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Re: libpqxx v4.0 sid upload

On 2012-06-20 10:46:41, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> As it's a new source package with (afaict) no overlapping binaries
> with libpqxx3 then it could be uploaded if you wish.  If it happens
> to migrate before the freeze then wheezy would contain both source
> packages.  That doesn't seem like it would be particularly
> beneficial but I might be missing something about the package.
> It's definitely too late to start transitioning the reverse
> dependencies however and unblock requests for any which include
> moving to the version 4 libraries would likely be denied.

Hi and thx for answering my questions it's really appreciated.

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3DF1 A4DF C732 4688 38BC F121 6869 30DD  58C3 38B3

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Description: Digital signature

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