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Re: Request for review post: Tails installer is now in Debian

Hi Ana,

Ana Guerrero Lopez:
> On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 02:14:22PM +0000, u wrote:
>> I've updated the draft https://pressblicity.titanpad.com/bdo-tails with
>> all those latest proposals now.
> I had to do format fixes and I also thought we had agreed to remove
> the part between [[]], so you edits were to a different version. Holger
> was also sending patches against the vesion in git.
> Could you please send your diff against the version in git linked above?

Ok, sorry about that.

Sending you the updated version as well as a diff.

Sorry, still too lazy to checkout the whole git tree :))

> I will publish immediatly after I apply your last changes.

Thanks for your work,
Title: Tails installer is now in Debian
Slug: tails-installer-in-debian
Date: 2016-02-10 12:00
Author: u
Tags: tails, privacy, anonymity, announce
Status: draft

[Tails][tails-link] (The anonymous incognito live system) is a live OS based 
on Debian GNU/Linux which aims at preserving the user's privacy and anonymity
by using the Internet anonymously and circumventing censorship. Installed on 
a USB device, it is configured to leave no trace on the computer you are 
using unless asked explicitly.

[![Tails Logo](|filename|/images/tails-logo-flat.png)][tails-link]

As of today, the people the most needy for digital security are not computer
experts. Being able to get started easily with a new tool is critical to its
adoption, and even more in high-risk and stressful environments. That's why we
wanted to make it faster, simpler, and more secure to install Tails for new

One of the components of Tails, the [Tails Installer][tails-instaler] is now
in Debian thanks to the [Debian Privacy Tools Maintainers Team][team-link].

Tails Installer is a [graphical tool][screenshot] to install or upgrade Tails
on a USB stick from an ISO image. It aims at making it easier and faster to [get
Tails up and running][tails-installdoc].

The previous process for getting started with Tails was very complex and was
problematic for less tech-savvy users. It required starting Tails three
times, and copying the full ISO image onto a USB stick twice before having a
fully functional Tails USB stick with persistence enabled.

This can now be done simply by installing Tails Installer in your existing
Debian system, using sid, stretch or jessie-backports, plugging a USB stick 
and choosing if one wants to update the USB stick or to install Tails using 
a previously downloaded ISO image.

Tails Installer also helps Tails users to create an encrypted persistent
storage for personal files and settings in the rest of the available space.

[tails-link]: https://tails.boum.org
[tails-instaler]: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/tails-installer
[screenshot]: https://screenshots.debian.net/package/tails-installer
[team-link]: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?email=pkg-privacy-maintainers%40lists.alioth.debian.org
[tails-installdoc]: https://tails.boum.org/install
< [Tails][tails-link] is a live OS based on Debian GNU/Linux which aims at
< preserving the user's privacy and anonymity by using the Internet anonymously
< and circumventing censorship. Installed on a USB device, it is configured to
< leave no trace on the computer you are using unless asked explicitly.
> [Tails][tails-link] (The anonymous incognito live system) is a live OS based 
> on Debian GNU/Linux which aims at preserving the user's privacy and anonymity
> by using the Internet anonymously and circumventing censorship. Installed on 
> a USB device, it is configured to leave no trace on the computer you are 
> using unless asked explicitly.
< on a USB stick from an ISO image. It aims at making it easier and faster to get
< The Amnesic Incognito Live System up and running.
> on a USB stick from an ISO image. It aims at making it easier and faster to [get
> Tails up and running][tails-installdoc].
< problematic for less tech-savvy users. It  required starting Tails three
> problematic for less tech-savvy users. It required starting Tails three
< Debian or Ubuntu system, plugging a USB stick and choosing if one wants to
< update the USB stick or to install Tails using a previously downloaded ISO
< image.
> Debian system, using sid, stretch or jessie-backports, plugging a USB stick 
> and choosing if one wants to update the USB stick or to install Tails using 
> a previously downloaded ISO image.
< Tails installer also helps Tails users to create an encrypted persistent
> Tails Installer also helps Tails users to create an encrypted persistent
> [tails-installdoc]: https://tails.boum.org/install

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