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[this mail contains facebooks links that you can visit without a facebook 

I have discovered today the "most official of the unofficial pages
dedicated to the Debian project" at facebook: http://www.facebook.com/debian
According to http://www.facebook.com/debian?v=app_4949752878
it is handled by several DDs. 

I guess some people don't care about having a Debian facebook page, that's
fine. But given other Debian people is willing to maintain a quasi-official page,
I think it could be interesting to know how to get stuff published there in
a quasi-official way too. Maybe something similar to what we do with 
the identi.ca account?
Right now, I can see the wall: http://www.facebook.com/debian?v=wall mostly
publishes what it sent to the identi.ca account plus some posts from the blog
of one of the account maintainers.

BTW, I am curious about the links in the bottom left! I understand "debian" likes 
in facebook "ubuntu" but I don't get the "Fivefingers" and "Toe socks" links :?


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