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Re: Call for opinions: slogan for the Lenny release ?

2008/10/13 martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org>:
> also sprach Fernando Cerezal <kryptos21@gmail.com> [2008.10.13.2039 +0200]:

Sorry for all those who are bored, my last mail on this thread.

>> We should present Debian like the best of the bests, other people
>> will put it as yet another Linux or even the worst Linux becase it
>> is too complex, etc.. so the concept is balanced.
> I treasure Debian and love it dearly, but it's not the best of the
> bests, because there is no objective "best", it all depends on how
> you want to put it to use. Debian is the most universal of all
> operating systems that I know, meaning it can be used for pretty
> much everything, and can serve as the basis for more specific,
> targetted distros. But there are these specific distros that fill
> certain niches much better than Debian does, don't you think?

Yes, that is true.

>> They will continue this way, we can do something.. or not.
> I don't want to put stones in your way. I just see "slogan" and
> "commercial" and "marketing" and superlatives and empty words, and
> my red flags go up. Debian has a awesome reputation in the advanced
> circles. Let's try not to ruin that with overly generic publicity.
> And do consider that one of the reasons why we have such a good
> reputation with advanced users is that we make decisions
> accordingly. We do not cater specifically for desktop users or
> servers or anything. We are universal. Once we start deviating from
> that, we'll use users and I think Debian might never be able to
> recover from that.

Publicity does not mean change the decisions, only other point of view
for somebody try to know Debian.
I know a lot of people do not use Debian because it is very complex,
but uses Ubuntu. They dont know about virtualization and such things,
even they dont almost know how to install a package with synaptic, and
they uses ubuntu, but they "know" Debian is hard.
This thougt do a lot of users choose other distributions, and that
means that a lot of volunteers go to other distributions.

I am a Debian translator for three years and I see how our team had no
movement for several weeks while the translators that use launchpad
redo/review again and again the same translations because rosetta
could not reuse the translations.
In a pefect conmunity, where the volunteers collaborate does not
matter, but the reality is that much of the work is redo by
distributions and as much as that distribution be visible and attract
people, more work will can do and will be better.

Sorry for extend so much. In short, visibility and atractness are
important and I think we should do something for attract some less
advanced users.

> Whatever you chose to do -- I will not comment anymore on this
> thread -- please try to stay as close as possible to reality as you
> can.

But publicity nowadays does not work this way.

> Let RH and Suse spout FUD with their slogans, but let's not
> compete in that league!

I dont propose send FUD, but be more attractive for more people.


> --
>  .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
> : :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
> `. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck - http://debiansystem.info
>  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
> "in diving to the bottom of pleasure
>  we bring up more gravel than pearls."
>                                                   -- honoré de balzac
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