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Re: Call for opinions: slogan for the Lenny release ?

2008/10/12 martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org>:
> also sprach Fernando Cerezal <kryptos21@gmail.com> [2008.10.12.2140 +0200]:
>> I suggest "Debian Lenny, Ready for you".
> How exactly is Debian "ready for me"?
> I don't oppose to marketing or publicity efforts. I think it's
> awesome that there are people who want to do that!
> However, we really ought to abstain from using empty words. Debian
> lenny is not going to be any more ready for anyone than etch was or
> squeeze will be.

I disagree.
Now Debian uses an installer with a lot less questions, more defaults
values, accurate and friendly graphical interfaces, more games (with
more special effects) and a lot of other features that make Debian
suitable for end users with a few technical knowledge.
In earlier version you had even select the kernel modules on install,
Do you think now is equal ready for end users than then?

In the other hand, Debian supports three kernels, supports xen and
kvm, its package tools have been improvement, it supports new releases
of a lot of language interpeters and new updated versions of
libraries, and so on that make Debian suitable for cover the current
needs of IT professionals and corporations.
When I write "Ready for you" I mean it is ready for do what you need.

> We make the universal operating system. Why not keep that as our
> Unique Selling Point?

It is an idea, but it depends on our target. If we focus on IT
professionals or similar, It could work. However, the most people that
use computers don't know what is an "operating system" and the lesser
could understand what means "universal" here.
So, we return to the question: What is our target?
I sugessted that because its "emptyness" can do it suitable.

> Instead of slogans, why not collect the facts
> and let them speak for themselves?

Because it doesn't work if our target is beyond technical people, and
even if we only focus on technical people, the facts per se strangely
works as publicity.
I understand your point of view, but I would like you understand that
technical people have a more cold and analityc point of view than the
most people.
Probably, if you analize why you select several non-technical things,
such as food or wear, you can discover that you do not only choice
that things for its quality or price, but you select those things
because marketing issues.

Sorry If I exceeded, but I see how high quality and very usefull free
software projects discontinue because its leader don't understand

> --
>  .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
> : :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
> `. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck - http://debiansystem.info
>  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
> "if I can't dance, i don't want to be part of your revolution."
>                                                        - emma goldman
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