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Re: Trying to install on oldworld powermac

On (16/01/04 23:11), Fraser Campbell wrote:
> I'm trying to install Debian (woody, sid or sarge) on a beige G3 powermac.  I 
> know next to nothing about the hardware and that's leading me into trouble. 
> So much to learn ... I've been using Linux for almost 11 years, on PCs, Suns, 
> Cobalts, embedded devices, etc.  Now with a Mac in front of me I feel like an 
> idiot ;-)
> I did get woody's installer up and running from BootX but I want to get rid of 
> MacOS entirely.  My understanding is that I should be able to use the Quik 
> bootloader, bypassing the need for MacOS/BootX.
Hi Fraser

This may be doable but everything I've read suggests that it is not easy.
I have just installed sid on a G3 using BootX and wanted to upgrade the
kernel etc.  I've researched and it would seem that the only person
who's managed to get quik to boot on a G3 is Michel Lanners (there are
some posts in the archive).  If you crack it your notes
will be welcomed by me and many  others I suspect ..... Good luck


> I was following the instructions at 
> http://mfdh.ca/apple/debian_on_oldworld_mac.html and the system isn't booting 
> from floppy.  Now I have a few problems:
> - I can just make out that open firmware is onscreen when I boot but
>   unfortunately I cannot read anything else.  My monitor displays about 6
>   copies of openfirware screen in narrow vertical bands, there's some shake
>   and it's too fuzzy to understand any of the output.
> - I can no longer get into MacOS, which I need to do to (easily) reprogram
>   openfirmware
> The monitor is a 20" Mediascan 7A ... any ideas why openfirmware isn't 
> displaying correctly?
> On the URL mentioned I see this paragraph:
> 	" If you see only a black screen, your system doesn't like the output-device
> 	you've specified. In this case, force-reboot (Command-Control-I/O) and
> 	immediately zap the PRAM (Command-Option-P-R) for one chime's worth. Release
> 	the keys and MacOS will load; launch System Disk and start again with a
> 	different guess at the output-device setting."
> So now another problem I have is that I don't know what is the Command key or 
> what is the I/O key (or does that mean I & O)?  I have a Control key in the 
> same place as a PC (lower left), I have an "alt/option" key to the right of 
> that and then a blank key to the right of that ... is the blank (3rd from 
> left) key the command key?
> Elsewhere I've seen it mentioned that holding down C will make you boot from 
> cdrom.  I have a debian-installer beta2 for powerpc available but it doesn't 
> seem to want to boot from that (I'm not sure that it even tries though).
> Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated, not being able to clearly see 
> openfirmware is the biggest issue right now, if I can get past that then I 
> can hopefully figure out the rest.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Fraser Campbell <fraser@wehave.net>                 http://www.wehave.net/
> Georgetown, Ontario, Canada                               Debian GNU/Linux
> -- 
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