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Re: Audio Problems on an iBook

On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 11:59:45AM +0100, Gareth Bowker wrote:
> Hi,
> 	I've got an iBook which every so often seems to go a bit haywire in
> the audio department. When I open the lid, so the machine comes out of
> suspend, most times everything's fine. Every once in a while, I'll get
> a load of static come out of the left speaker. Other times, it seems that

   I suspend many times per day, and this would happen about once per week
(the screaming iBook).  Removing the audio module on suspend and bringing it
back in on wakeup removes the symptom - as long as you don't mind losing
your audio settings each suspend (I've learned to prefer to have it come up
muted by default each time I move: so just as well).
   The last screaming iBook was at a Linux conference - fortunately between
talks. Had people rushing up asking me if I knew what caused it (every iBook
owner seemed to have experienced it).  Here's the suggested solution:

/sbin/rmmod dmasound_pmac
/sbin/modprobe dmasound_pmac

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