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ftpsync debian-ports?

Hi all,

I'm trying to sync a local mirror debian-ports riscv64,source,all with
ftpsync, but it seems that debian-ports repo currently doesn't fit in
ftpsync's ARCH_INCLUE and ARCH_EXCLUDE. Currently, ftpsync is using a
hard-coded directory structure when filtering, which is
/pool/**/*_${arch}.{deb,udeb,changes}. The debian-ports repo is
hosting all arch-specific debs in the /pool-${arch}/* directory.

I've digged into ftpsync's code, and i've found that the EXCLUDE
variable could be used not only for excluding. It's passed directly to
rsync, so it means i can write custom filter rules EVEN TO
INCLUDE.(!!!) I'm now having this EXCLUDE rule:

    EXCLUDE="--filter=include_/pool-riscv64/* --filter=exclude_/pool-*"

which works pretty well (maybe?) for my riscv64 only mirror.

Also, i've noticed that in archvsync's git repo (more specifically,
README.md), it says that:

    Common names used in the Debian mirror network are:
    * standard debian archive: default empty $ARCHIVE (ftpsync.conf)
    * debian-ports archive: ARCHIVE=ports (ftpsync-ports.conf)
    * debian-security archive: ARCHIVE=security (ftpsync-security.conf)

Where are these files located? Is there a public accessible copy?

Best Regards,
Tianyu Chen

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