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Re: leechcraft (closes ITP bug, 33 days have passed)


>>>  I probably won't sponsor the package, but I was wondering if it is
>>>  really necessary to build 53 binary packages (if I did not miscount)?
>>  The short answer: yes, it is.
>>  Here I can cite the description from my first message:
>>>  LeechCraft is a free open source cross-platform modular internet-client. It
>>>  consists of a core which defines common plugin interfaces and a lot of plugins
>>>  for different purposes. User can install any combination of them to achieve
>>>  the necessary functionality.
>>>  The main advantage of such approach is that modules could interact more closely
>>>  than standalone programs in usual Desktop Environments. Thus, plugins can also
>>>  rely on functionality provided by each other. Plugins could also have their own
>>>  plugins: for example, support for different protocols or chat window styles in
>>>  an IM client.
>>  I made separate packages for each plugin. So user will be able to install only
>>  those packages which he really need. This is the main idea of the project...
>>  LeechCraft is very flexible.
> This seems to be a bit excessive.  There is no real use in having many
> tiny packages for every function; please keep in mind that this will
> make the Packages index even larger (which also affects users that do
> not even have the package installed).

Hmm, I have not thought about such an effect. It's bad news. I will think that
can I do to decrease number of packages. This will damage general idea
unfortunately but it is really more important.

> For example, I think many of the leechcraft-azoth-* packages could be
> merged into a single package: they do not seem to be very large nor
> introduce large dependencies according to an build log I found on
> launchpad[1].

Yes, this is true. But its sub-plugins realise different communicating
protocols. Of cause they can be disabled in settings dialog, users will not
be able to remove unnecessary plugins completely.

Also I will look to other similar software. Like kopete, pidgin, etc...

> [1] <https://launchpadlibrarian.net/84683703/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.leechcraft-unstable_0.4.90-670-g4cccdc3-0ppa1~precise1_BUILDING.txt.gz>

My PPA is really useful. It is nice.


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