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Re: dacco and qdacco packages waiting sponsor

Hi Michael,
> Hi!
> These packages are waiting for a sponsor:
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/q/qdacco and
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/d/dacco.
> This is a Catalan-English dictionary and a query GUI.

I've just uploaded dacco, looks good.

Thank you very much!

For qdacco, however, I get an FTBFS because of an outdated symbols file.

Yes, I supposed this would happen: the symbols file is a few months

at the diff, this is quite likely caused by name mangling changes in GCC. I'd
suggest moving to c++ tags, as supported by recent dpkg-gensymbols, which permit
to use human readable signatures.

If I thought there would be problems according to the architecture but found no information.
I have found your package libdiagnostics0: I looked at the files libdiagnostics0.symbols, libdiagnostics0.symbols.optional and libdiagnostics0.symbols.stacktrace.
The question is: how do you generate these files with c++ tags? Is it possible to automatically generate the files?

Please let me know if you need any help with

Yes, please: is the first time I do this!


I. De Marchi

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