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Re: RFS: sphinxsearch

Again I'm not a DD.

> Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
>> 1) rules - have you though of using dh7 style? (just %: dh @ with
> This is because I need a package for etch too and the one package works
> across the board without problems using dh5. Is this the wrong way to do it?

That's fine. As long as you have a valid reason =D

>> 2) rules - please consider running the test suite here (*hint* needs a
>> variable in rules)
> I've been looking around for this but can't find any documentation for it.

(sorry I've been referring to CDBS / dh(1)) basicly after build target
is finished you should be able to run the test-suite and it should
pass. Look through upstream documentation on how to run it. In
autotools based packages it's usually "check" target in upstream
Makefile and sometimes additional "installcheck" target. So yeah in
CDBS there is a variable to store the name of the testusuite target.
In dh(1) there is dh_auto_testsuite (from memory might be wrong) which
deal with these things.

>> 5) control - are you using a version control system for your
>> packaging? (I would suggest you do, bzr-builddeb and git-buildpackage
>> are very strong contenders and both support pristine-tar, ie. saving a
>> small binary delta to regenerate an identical tarball at build-time)
> I'm using git-buildpackage.

Then you should add Vcs-git: and Vcs-browse; tags to your control. So
that debcheckout will work for your packages. Look at some other git
maintained debian packages in their control field.

> Lintian now shows as clean with one more pedantic bit and the X: notes
> I'll report upstream and get fixed there.
> Tom

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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