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RealNetworks wants to go open source


As you maybe already know, RealNetworks (the guys behind RealPlayer
client and server) want to release their next version under an
OSI-certified licence. See http://open.helixcommunity.org

That would allow us to package the client and the server to have it
into Debian. They're building their home-made licence though (RPSL:
RealNetworks Public Source License) and I don't know enough of law to
understand whether it'll be DFSG-compliant or not. 

Could you guys have a look at it and keep us informed ?

Also there's a mailing-list open regarding the terms of the licence,
they want feedback from the community, so it is probably interesting
that ppl from Debian legal stuff go lobbying there to get the best
licence possible !

Please CC me on reply.


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       /\___/\ 		"Innovando en Internet"
        / | \           eric@andago.com

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