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Re: Towards a new LPPL draft

On Jul 22, Boris Veytsman wrote:
> The question is, who should say "yes" and "no"? Sorry for being
> ignorant about the rules -- but is there a mechanism of voting or
> other decision taking of the list? How it is formally initiated? 

The only formal procedures available are:

- Action by the Debian project leader.

- Action by the technical committee - if this issue is deemed
"technical" as opposed to "non-technical".  My guess is they would
deem it non-technical and pass the buck.

- Action by the developers as a whole through the General Resolution

Additional de facto procedures:

- Acceptance of or failure to accept an upload of a new package with
the given licen[cs]e by the Debian ftp administration team.  (Doesn't
help in this case anyway, since you're still drafting.)

- Consensus on the debian-legal list.

In practice, the de facto procedures are always followed.

Chris [no cc needed]
Chris Lawrence <cnlawren@olemiss.edu> - http://www.lordsutch.com/chris/

Instructor and Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science, Univ. of Mississippi
208 Deupree Hall - 662-915-5765

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