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Re: Preprints/Reprints of Academic Papers in Packages

On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 12:15:41AM -0700, John Galt wrote:
> Okay, provide a definition of source that includes interpretive languages 
> such as Perl.  I submit that any definition of source so broad as to 
> include a perlscript must necessarily include a postscript document.

The form of a {program,document} that is intended for modification.  This
includes perl scripts (unless they've been run through an obfuscator),
human-editable HTML, and human-editable PDF.  It clearly doesn't include
most generated PDF.

I recall Roxen coming with a Tetris module, called GPL (I believe), with 
obfuscated source.  Gah.

There's also the case where there's no human-editable forms; ie, a document
created in Word, saved as DOC and exported to HTML.  Now there's no source at

> >I think that a PDF is source if it's human-editable, and not if it's
> >practically uneditable PDF code generated from something else.  The
> >GFDL tries to make this distinction for HTML.
> ...and fails miserably IMHO.  One thing that must necessarily fall into 
> the "not source" category is ASCII-armored encrypted text, yet the GFDL 
> allows it as a transparent copy, for an example.  GPG is available to the 
> general public, it is editable with cat or sed with the proper key if you 
> so desire, and the output from gpg is pipeable.  

How does it fail miserably?  It's obviously extremely poor in the
general case, but it seems pretty close (if imperfect) for HTML:

"Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include ...
standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human modification.
Opaque formats include ... the machine-generated HTML produced by some
word processors for output purposes only."

Other than "simple" (complicated, hand-written HTML isn't transparent?)
and "standards-conforming" (if I release HTML that uses the <BLINK> tag,
it's not human-editable?), this seems reasonable.

Glenn Maynard

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