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Re: State of Konqueror - Was: Konqueror: webkit instead of khtml

Valerio Passini wrote:
Alle Tuesday 28 April 2009, Felix Homann ha scritto:
> Most probably, your rather a little less ;-)

Oh, I meant "less" with respect to the size of your mailbox. I didn't make it clear in the intended joke. Please, accept my apologies!!!

Probably a misconfiguration of Kmail,

No, if you're interested in the topic please take a look at the bug reports.

To make it a bit clearer (as I remember it): Everything KMail used to do in the background, i.e. fetching email, filtering etc. would lock the GUI for a moment. And yes, spam filtering was the major issue and depending on what spam filter you used, the effect was more or less dominant. When I switched to Icedove, my mails and mailboxes had obviously reached a size that none of the available options for spam filtering could get around the issue. I sometimes had to wait several seconds until the next letter was displayed when typing an Email. (I tend to remember that search folders could have a big impact, too.)

The issue was well known, nobody tried to deny its relevance. The KMail developers ultimately decided not to fix it in KDE 3.x but to build a new architecture, I guess what is known now as Akonadi. I think this was the *right* decision. Nevertheless, I needed a viable Email solution before KMail was ported to the Akonadi backend.

Usually kmail should just process incoming emails: check your configuration.

Thanks for the hint. I really didn't have a configuration problem.

Finally, please once again, accept my apologies!!!

Kind regards,


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