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Re: How to remove subcomponents of KDE?

Thank you all who responded!

| 1. Start aptitude.
| 2. Select the package "kde".
| 3. Navigate through it (press enter), and mark as _manually_
| installed (press lowercase "m"), all the packages you really
| want. That could be all the packages, except kde-amusements.

Thanks.  I understand that this is the "proper" way to achive
my goal.  However, the problem is that I don't know which KDE
packages I want.  All I know is that I do NOT want kde-amusements.
Likewise, starting from kde-core and adding what I want later
would require a lot of searching and trial and error because
I don't exactly know which package provides which functionality;
also I would miss those KDE functionalities which I have not
used YET but which I may use in the future.

I think that removing what you don't and propably won't use
is the best way to slim down your installation AND not to miss
potentially useful functionalities.  Initially you start using
the fullest KDE package.  As you use it, you recognize that
there exits a certain functionality whose existence you know
but which you find yourself not using.  You then remove it
without missing anything.

Anyway, does this mean that there's no easy way to remove
only the "amusements" part of KDE?  Basically, what I need
is to tell aptitude that "I know `kde' depends on `kde-amusements',
but please remove it and its dependencies and please ignore
the unmet dependency in `kde'". . .

By the way,

> apt-get remove kde
> aptitude is usally better because it can also remove packages that
>just there for dependeny issues, but in this case it over does it :)

I tried this, too, but I don't know how to proceed from there.

  # apt-get remove kde
  [. . .]
  # aptitude remove kde-amusements

tries to remove the entire KDE, too.

In fact, I was successful in removing the "amusements"
part of KDE on my home Debian machine and I think
I did a similar thing to what you suggest.  I don't
recall exactly what I did, though. (I certainly didn't
use the "m" command of aptitude because I knew nothing
about it.)  I'm puzzled.


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