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Re: kdm not starting after init level change

On Thursday 08 December 2005 05:08 am, martin f krafft wrote:
> [please CC me on replies]

Doing so, even though your sig says not to. :)

> I have a sarge machine with KDE 3.3 installed, and for some reason,
> kdm doesn't start anymore. It's properly registered as S99 with
> runlevel 2 (the default), it is the default window manager, and
> a `set -x` in the init script reveals that start-stop-daemon is
> being called properly while the script executes.
> However, when I boot the machine, or change to runlevel 2 (e.g. from
> single user mode), the script says it started the KDE window
> manager, but the machine is left with the /bin/login prompt, and
> neither kdm.log nor XFree86.0.log contain any hint for a problem.
> The screen also does not turn blank or flicker, so it seems as if
> kdm simply doesn't start. It seems that sometimes the machine just
> sits and waits for a keypress, then suddenly starts kdm. However,
> this is not reproducible at will, happens randomly it seems.

Is it possible that it is starting but failing to switch to vt7 for some 
reason?  What happens if you do an Alt+F7 at this point?

If you remove kdm.log / XFree86.0.log before booting the machine, does 
anything get written to them by the kdm init script, or are they not there?

> Curiously, running the init script by hand after the boot works
> alright.
> I've attached a tarball of four strace scripts after putting an
> strace -ff -F in front of the init script start-stop-daemon call for
> kdm. I can't make sense of it, but maybe it helps.

Looks like you forgot to attach it.


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