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Re: /etc/apt/preferences for kde 3.4

On June 18, 2005 12:07 pm, Alan Ezust wrote:
> So I found the source for kde 3.4 debian packages (alioth), added it
> to my sources.list. Tried a dist-upgrade and it kept all my kde apps
> back. Then I tried
> apt-get -t experimental dist-upgrade
> and it found the 3.4 KDE packages but also tried to upgrade to
> experimental versions of other packages like libc6 (when I'd rather
> stick with unstable for those).
> does anyone have an example /etc/apt/preferences file which gets only
> experimental versions of KDE 3.4 and stays in unstable for everything
> else? Or are the experimental versions of libc6 and other packages
> required by kde3.4?

What I did and it is probably the hard way to do it is find all the 
packages from KDE I had installed and made myself a script that 
simulated the upgrade then once everything was upgrading to my 
satisfaction I went to the command line removed the -s in the install 
line and let it upgrade.

I have attached the script you will have to search and replace most of 
the =4:3.4.0-0pre1 on the end of the package names with =4:3.4.1-1 and 
of course get your packages installed (COLUMNS=125 dpkg -l | grep 3.3.
[1234]) to add into the file. Use apt-cache policy to figure out the 
version number = that you need to put on the end of the package names 
you will have to add to the file for your install and eventually you 
should get it to the point where everything will upgrade with exactly 
the packages you need to get it done without any of the packages from 

Debian the choice of a GNU generation.

GPG Public Key: http://users.eastlink.ca/~stephencormier/publickey.asc
apt-get -s install xfonts-konsole=4:3.4.0-0pre1 quanta-data=4:3.4.0-0pre1 quanta=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libkonq4-dev=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libkonq4=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libkcddb1=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libartsc0-dev=1.4.0-0pre1 libartsc0=1.4.0-0pre1 libarts1-xine=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libarts1-mpeglib=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libarts1-dev=1.4.0-0pre1 libarts1=1.4.0-0pre1 kdelibs4=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdelibs4-dev=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdelibs-bin=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libaspell-dev/unstable mpeglib=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libarts1-audiofile=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kwin=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kviewshell=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kview=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kuickshow=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ktip=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ksysv=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ksysguardd=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ksysguard=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ksvg=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ksplash=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ksnapshot=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ksmserver=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ksim=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kscd=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kregexpeditor=4:3.4.0-0pre1 krec=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kpersonalizer=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kpager=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kopete=4:3.4.0-0pre1 konsole=4:3.4.0-0pre1 konqueror-nsplugins=4:3.4.0-0pre1 konqueror=4:3.4.0-0pre1 artsbuilder=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kommander=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kmix=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kmilo=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kmid=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kmenuedit=4:3.4.0-0pre1 klipper=4:3.4.0-0pre1 klinkstatus=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kjots=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kimagemapeditor=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kicker=4:3.4.0-0pre1 khexedit=4:3.4.0-0pre1 khelpcenter=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kgpg=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kghostview=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kpdf=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kget=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kfloppy=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kfind=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kfilereplace=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kedit=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdict=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdf=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdewebdev-doc-html=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdessh=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdesktop=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdeprint=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdepasswd=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdemultimedia-kio-plugins=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdemultimedia-kappfinder-data=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdelibs=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdegraphics-kfile-plugins=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdebase-kio-plugins=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kdeadmin-kfile-plugins=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kcontrol=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kcharselect=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kcalc=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kaudiocreator=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kate=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kappfinder=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kaboodle=4:3.4.0-0pre1 juk=4:3.4.0-0pre1 ark=4:3.4.0-0pre1 akode=4:3.4.0-0pre1  libusb-0.1-4/unstable dbus-1/unstable dbus-qt-1=0.23.2-3qt1 kdelibs-data=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libgstreamer0.8-0/unstable kdm=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libopenexr-dev/unstable kmail=4:3.4.0-0pre1 kontact=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libkcal2a=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libkdepim1=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libkleopatra0a=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libkpimidentities1=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libksieve0=4:3.4.0-0pre1 libmimelib1a=4:3.4.0-0pre1

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