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Re: KDE3 - Debian/experimental distribution proposal (was: yes i am alive ;)

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> Experimental repositry idea is about damn time. Gnome2 have had it for a
> while now. We need a concerted "professional" effort to get KDE3 into
> the debian distribution.

Just for reference, this proposal with the experimental repository has very 
little to do with getting KDE3 into sid.  It's more to do with offering 
packages to the users in the meantime.

It seems the problem with this is that there are too many different 
repositories available.  If we're going to converge on a single apt-line, I'd 
rather that be on kde.org where (i) people don't add experimental to their 
sources.list and suddenly get all sorts of *other* experimental packages 
without realising it, (ii) we can make non-trivial changes to this repository 
(such as removing packages) without having to go through debian ftpmasters 
who have a lot of other work on their hands.

I may of course be making incorrect assumptions here about experimental since 
I've never used it or uploaded to it.  But I honestly think kde.org would be 
a much saner way to go.


- -- 

Ben Burton
benb@acm.org  |  bab@debian.org
Public Key: finger bab@db.debian.org

Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for
the people.
	- Oscar Wilde

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