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Re: Ivan- KDE 2.2 final - What's the status?

  >>> On Thu, 16 Aug 2001 18:17:51 -0700 (PDT),
  >>> "tluxt" == tluxt <tluxt@yahoo.com> wrote:

  tluxt> I guess my HowTo procedure will only work after these packages
  tluxt> migrate from unstable to testing, yes?

Correct.  It's probably best that people wait until then, anyway.

  tluxt> Until that happens, is it possible to not do a full upgrade to unstable,
  tluxt> and still run the KDE 2.2 debs?

Yup, that's exactly what 

    apt-get -t unstable install kde

does ... it installs KDE, plus the required library upgrades, from

  tluxt> Would you please give me a url for info about how to upgrade to unstable,
  tluxt> and the implications thereof?  

Er, the docs on http://www.debian.org are the closest you'll get.  

The implications of running "unstable" are that it might affect the
stability of your system :-) 

cheers, Mike

"Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that, you're in."
    -- Courtney Cox

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