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Hi all,  I hope your holidays were nice.

ok..so I'm sure some of you are biting your nails waiting for new packages so
here's a status of where we are.  I just got back on Sunday and have just 
barely caught up on the 3000+ emails (personal) and 1000+ emails (work).  I've
updated all my CVS code and have been working on updating/fixing/etc to make
everything compile and work.  I've got everything built except a couple packages which I'm sure will get worked out within the next 24hrs so I should have new
unstable packages uploaded to Debian during that time frame and potato packages
within 24hrs of that.  

for potato users kpilot will be a new addition which I know will be greatly
appreciated.  I was kinda kewl uploading it *finally* to Debian before I 
ran off on vacation.  That was my original ITP for Debian over 2 years ago. 
I was happy to close out that bug report finally. :)

anyways...so that goes...

AA support will not be included by default until QT supports it officially
or as close to that as we can.  The reason for this is that the patches that
have been provided out there (on KDE lists and all) are *hacks* as put by their
author(s)...they do not have complete support for everything and thus are not
ready for prime time.  I have applied the patch to the source so that anyone
who wants to can grab it and build their own local copy with AA support...all
you have to do is add a "-xft" to the configopts line in debian/rules and 
then build away.  This is only for those running XF 4.0.2...I got the X 
maintainer to build X with all the right settings to allow for all of this. 
Anything beyond this is up to you and if there are anything else that needs
to be done to make it all work spam the list here so that if it's a packaging
thing we can get that taken care of...this way when QT does support it we
can be ready.

Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

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