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Re: apt and java


Omry Yadan wrote:
This is all very confusing to new users.

It definetely is. I had the same problems a few month ago :-(

Having to create a package is kind of awkward, since I just want to install someone else's packages.
I know the process of creating the package with java-package, or similar tools may not be hard, but its much more than new users want to do, and it pretty much a thorn in apt-get pretty butt, at least for me.

It is really easy. Just download a JDK from sun and install java-package. Then run something like

	make-jpkg j2sdk-1_4_2_05-linux-i586.bin

You'll also have to answer a few questions and accept Suns licence (which will probably make you understand why it's not in nonfree). When you are done, you've got a *.deb file, which you can install with something like

	dpkg -i sun-j2sdk1.4_1.4.2+05_i386.deb

The advantage of creating a package from the downloaded JDK is, that you don't have to bother about stuff like filesystem conventions, package dependencies and alternatives. The package does it for you :-)

Of course you can aswell use a JDK installed manually. I'd suggest to install it to /usr/local, but I'm a newbie, too. Read the instructions below, to integrate a manually installed JDK into Debian more smoothly and avoid problems with apt:

Le Vendredi 1 Octobre 2004 18:37, Rishabh Manocha a écrit :
I have this problem too..apt usually tries to install kaffe when I am
installing a java program even though i have sun VM(not thru apt). Like
the other day I was trying to install ant and it said that it will
install kaffe too and hence I had to abort.
Is there any way around this??

If you already have a JDK installed manually, you might want to try the package "java-virtual-machine-dummy"[1][2]. It should provide most dependencies needed by java programs, so apt will not consider it necessary to install kaffe. However I did't test it myself, since i'm using java-package.

Hope I could help,

[1] http://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/java-virtual-machine-dummy
[2] http://packages.debian.org/testing/misc/java-virtual-machine-dummy

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