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On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Jeremy Lunn wrote:

| On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:11:06AM -0500, tps@unslept.com wrote:
| > lack of reliability in DSL, so he asked if you could get 2 DSL lines
| > and have one failover to the other. Huh... a client with a clue! My
| Well, it might be different overseas (mind you I know you can get lucky
| at least in the USA since I have friends there with ADSL that has never
| once gone down on them).  But haven't had any problems with my ADSL
| going down on me for reasons that would not make a T1 go down.  It's not

The main reason why DSL isnt as reliable as a T1 is because:

The telco gets paid pennies to install, and test the pair compared to a T1

The telco gets paid pennies to maintain the copper pair that a DSL runs
on, as compared to a T1.

The telco in turn, does not provide nearly the same turn around time on a
DSL repair, as opposed to a T1 repair.

And for good reason. If you need fast home access, DSL is what you
want. If you want a reliable, business quality connection with a
guaranteed repair time, and SLA agreements.. then a T1 is for you.

John Gonzalez / johng@netmdc.com / johng@tularosa.net
Tularosa Communications, Inc. (505) 439-0200 voice / (505) 443-1228 fax
http://www.tularosa.net / ASN 11711 / JG6416
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