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Re: How to enable IPv6 on Woody ?

kmlhk79-ipv6@yahoo.com.hk wrote:
> Paul :
> You are not address my question.
> I know this questions may be asked for hundred time
> but there are always new members to ask for help form
> the community for same question.

..and those new members should learn how to STFW[1] instead of being
number 1001 to ask the same question. =)

> I want to experience Ipv6 on Debian .
> Such that I may connect to IPv6 Tunnel Broker by ipv6
> on ipv4 tunneling.
> I am running Woody with 2.4 kernel . It seems that I
> need to upgrade the kernel to 2.6 form back port . But
> what will be the next steps?
> Any one can point me to  URLs which document steps to
> enable ipv6 on woody and configure for IPv6 Tunnel
> Broker  connection ?

STFW, my friend, STFW. ^_^


See result #2, that should give you all of the information you need.
#'s 5 & 6 might prove to be useful as well.


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