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Re: OT: Naming

Niklas Höglund <niklas.hoglund@telia.com> wrote:
> So people that don't use GNU tools but GNOME and Nautilus should maybe
> call it Eazel/Linux :)    (ugh)

Another reason for calling it GNU/Linux is to remind yourself that the
most basic idea of the system is to give freedom to its users. Eazel
does not *represent* the principle of freedom, even if they wrote Free

> The press and lots of other people use Linux as a name for the entire
> system.

The press and lots of other people also say hackers are criminal people
who break into systems. Yet we call ourself hackers with pride. So what
"the people" say and think is not relevant for us. Thus I intend to
continue calling things by their proper name.


Wolfgang Jährling  <wolfgang@pro-linux.de>  \\  http://stdio.cjb.net/
Debian GNU/Hurd user && Debian GNU/Linux user \\  http://www.gnu.org/
The Hurd Hacking Guide: http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hacking-guide/
["We're way ahead of you here. The Hurd has always been on the    ]
[ cutting edge of not being good for anything." -- Roland McGrath ]

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