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Re: server-questions

Jürgen Leibner schrieb:
Roaming profiles are a MS-Windows thing and have nothing to do with the linux clients.

and password while accessing the tjener's shares.
Therefore it would be helpfull but not nessesary to be in the
workgroup 'skolelinux'.
All over all are there a lot of pitfalls, because of the networking
settings of the clients, which have to be adjusted to fit to the
skolelinux ones. And if your pupils are root (Administrator) and
can fiddle around everywhere in the windows settings, I wish you a
happy lesson :)
What do you believe about our pupils :-)

That they are faster in learning than you.

. But up to know, on our clients (in our old network, "none skolelinux") we use
PC-sheriffs/HD-guards (Wächterkarten) and
all users have administration-rights (i did *not* invent this). But
it isn't that big problem.

A kind of hardware which is IMO not usefull to decrease costs and time in maintaining bigger networks at schools.

Please be so kind and do not come around with little peaces of information about what your IT environment is and what goals you want to reach with skolelinux under wich circumstances in every mail you wrote. That makes me tired to answer ...
Ok, the network in a few month looks like this: 132 PC and laptops mostly with double boot windowsXP/linux. We will use tjener as mainserver,. On clients we will use a normal "debian", which will be tie to tjener (because of many customisations, and a lot of troubles using skolelinux on our Laptops). I will setup up the clients using clonezilla Server Edition (on a second server). I tried a lot in the last weeks, and i think it will be work very well. Our infrastructure is good enough for these. After this, we will point our attention to the new project, as written before. A firm offers a leasing bit for netbooks. The sixth formers pay some money every year (3 years long) and get an netbook. At the time we work on a good concept to integrate these netbooks into education. On the Netbooks will run Debian (maybe Ubuntu Netbook Remix?). I can setup them easily using SystemImager.org . They will use an local account, but they should have an access to their home-directories on tjener (should be mounted after login, but i think this will bring some troubles because of the mode (read/write-rights)). In the first year, we will try out some things using 50 till 100 netbooks, if everything goes well, we will have nearly 300 Netbooks up to 2012. At the time, we think about how to resize the WLAN infrastructure - hardware and software. From the softwareside the questions will be: Do we need an second DHCP-server , do we need an fileserver and how to integrate him into the existing network, because he should share the home directories. And at least, we need an second webserver, because there are different applications for the intranet. On clients all pupils should have an root account (or maybe sth. like an jradmin), because its their own netbook, the they should use it at home and so on and so on...

Greetings, Jürgen Leibner

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